
Hello Internet.

I feel you and I have had a strained relationship. We barely seem to hang out anymore, and whenever we do, we’re consistently distracted, and never seem to pay each other any real attention. And then there are the times where we just decide to quit on each other. I feel distant. 😦

There ave been recent developments in my life, and I feel you need to be an important part of it. And let’s face it, I can’t do this alone. I feel like I have been consistently learning, always adding more design to the tapestry of my life. Actually at this point it’s more like a thin napkin, but I digress. This tapestry now needs an anchor to hold it up. (I’m not even really sure if that’s right for this context. How does an anchor hold something up?) And so I turn to you, internet.

Sometime earlier this year, I feel we took a further step in our relationship. I’ve shared ideas, thoughts, opinions and recipes with you. I’ve trying my level best to appeal to you, paying more attention to my conduct than I would in previous years. We’ve come a long way, internet.

And now, I feel we may have reached the epitome of our relationship. See, here’s where I finally share all my passion and creativity with you. Here’s where I tell you that we must take the next step together. We must stand united. This is finally the time for me to shine, and you will be there to witness it all. I will ride this wave of glory on your shoulders.

I now have a youtube channel.

This changes everything.

Tune in, stay tuned, and don’t take your eyes of off me.
This is the next chapter in the saga.

Wait till they get a load of meJoker, Tim Burton’s Batman.

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