Tag Archives: jesus

The Post About Everything

So I realized I haven’t posted anything all week following my week-long WrestleMania geek-fest. During this week there has been a load of stuff that all warrant a post entry. I’m talking movie reviews, insightful attempts, and an unhealthy amount of personal anecdotes. So I’m gonna attempt to blog about all of it. If you meet me on the street sometime soon and slap me across the face, I shall know it’s because you are bewildered by this post. And then we shall be forced to throw down fisticuffs.

  • WrestleMania was awesome, as I expected, The Rock beat John Cena, which I did not expect but totally enjoyed, and my friend really damaged his throat yelling at the screen. He’s a metalhead. I still laugh at his misfortune, but really, I’m glad he enjoyed himself so much.
  • I watched “What’s Up Tiger Lily?”, which is director Woody Allen’s debut. Its a Japanese Crime movie that’s been dubbed over with shoddy American dialogue. It’s hilarious, and gives me hope that being totally silly can still lead to an enlightened career.
  • I started watching “Sons of Anarchy”, and I’m very impressed. I will someday ask Ron Perlman for a hug while secretly hoping he punches me in the face instead. And then we shall be forced to throw down fisticuffs.
  • I watched “Take Shelter” recently as my parents scratched their head. I then spent the rest of the day looking outside my window putting off going outside because it was cloudy.
  • I also watched “Warrior”, and I had to turn on my subtitles to understand what Nick Nolte was talking about. I marked out when I saw Kurt Angle, and I can’t wait to see Tom Hardy as Bane. The guy’s a tank.
  • What else did I watch? “50/50”, and I nearly cried. Seriously. But again, i was very impressed. I think the ideal time for me to try marijuana would be with people triple my age who have it prescribed to them. Or with Seth Rogen in a parking lot.
  • You read correctly. I have not smoked marijuana.
  •  This changes almost on a weekly basis, but as of today, I want to marry this girl:Image
  • ^That girl^ is Peggy Olson. She’s on “Mad Men”. She’s cute, funny, and assertive. And she dresses like she’s from the sixties (coz she’s from the sixties….) Watch “Mad Men”!
  • I also watched “The Passion of the Christ” and even as I write this I’m trying to think of ways that I can avoid controversy. I really liked the movie.
  • Happy Easter! this post is related to the last one, in case you missed my poor attempt at subtlety. I ate a lot of chocolate over the past 24 hours. If you see me sometime soon, please knock whatever sugary item I am holding out of my hand. Unless its a Cadbury Creme Egg. Because then we shall be forced to throw down fisticuffs.
  • As I write this I’m watching a show on FOX called “Excused” Its about some girls that get to pick mystery dates, and they’re really sassy. The host is really funny. I’m actually enjoying it, and I feel kinda guilty about it. And as my parents just walked in the front door I hastily changed the channel

Ratings for the movies I mentioned:

  • “What’s Up Tiger Lily?”: 4/5
  • “Take Shelter”: 4.5/5
  • “Warrior”: 3.5/5
  • “50/50”: 3.5/5
  • “The Passion of the Christ”: 5/5

Notice how I made the whole post about me? That’s because it’s MY blog. Also clear after that blog, is that I watch a lot of movies and TV. It happens to be what I want to do with my life, so lay off. But seriously, I need to get out more. As soon as those clouds pass…

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