Tag Archives: muhammad ali

Wrestlemania 28 – What is Wrestlemania? – 6 nights away

Hello and welcome to the first in a series of blog entries that no one will read. I am a huge pro-wrestling fan, particularly the WWE. And in just six nights is the biggest wrestling event of the year, WRESTLEMANIA. Weird things happen to me during this period of the year. I seem to be in a daze when people or talk to me, or I use statements like ‘that’s the bottom line’, ‘I got two words for ya’ or ‘OOOOOOOHHHHH YEAAAAAAH!’ in everyday conversation. During this time of the year, I live, breathe and sweat wrestling. I’ve been watching my wrestling DVD’s, reading my wrestling mags and having heated online discussions. I know, geekiest stuff I have ever admitted to. But with all the hoopla surrounding ‘Mania, and how much it’s on my mind, I figured I might as well blog about it. So I decided I would drop one blog entry a night leading up to the show of shows, and conclude in my review of the event. So here’s entry #1: What is Wrestlemania?

Wrestlemania is wrestling’s equivalent of the Superbowl, the Oscars, or the Stanley Cup. It’s an annual event that represents an end to the fiscal year of pro-wrestling. Storylines are wrapped up, rivalries put to rest, and all hell breaks loose on Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania began in 1985 when Vince McMahon Sr. had the dream of holding a wrestling extravaganza and charging people to watch it. It was the birth of Pay Per View, and Vince Sr. is still regarded as one of the fathers of PPV in general.  That Wrestlemania was held at the mecca of sports arenas, Madison Square Garden in New York City. And from the onset, it was clear that it was not going to be any average show. Guest celebrities were involved, from Cyndi Lauper and Liberace, to Billy Martin and Muhammad Ali. The main event featured the tag team of Hulk Hogan and Mr. T vs ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper and ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff. The event was an insane success, and Wrestlemania was born.

28 years later, and some of wrestling’s finest moments have been at Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania X holds the distinction of being my earliest memory. Ever. The event has frequently set attendance records for every arena it’s been in, and Wrestlemania 3 held the indoor attendance record of 93,000+ for more than 20 years. Celebrities like Lawrence Taylor, Donald Trump, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Motorhead and Mike Tyson have been involved in the event in some way. It’s the pinnacle of sports-entertainment. It’s the granddaddy of all shows.

I have to address the most obvious question: Isn’t wrestling fake? Yer damn right it is. But boy is it real sometimes. ‘Wrestlers’ have to be athletic, and they have to be able to act. It’s pageantry, pomp and circumstance. It’s a circus act: it’s theatre at its base. And to me, it’s the greatest show on Earth.

So yeah, I can be criticized for being a geek, but I have to take a moment to explain why I respect this business so much. Because I seriously believe that wrestlers are the hardest working performers in the world – More than any sport or entertainment industry. There is no off-season in the WWE. They don’t win the Stanley Cup then take 4 months off. They have to go right back to work. Most of them wrestle for upwards of 300 days a year. But simple athleticism is not enough. They have to be able to entertain. You can be the most athletic person on the roster, but if you don’t have the ability to entertain the audience both on the microphone and in the ring, you won’t have a job very long. Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura described the life of a wrestler as a life of pain. And he wasn’t kidding around. No other competitor in the world will dedicate his blood sweat and tears to their job at the level that pro wrestlers do. So how can I not respect them? How can I not be a fan.

This year’s Wrestlemania is the 28th entry and it takes place at the Sun Life Stadium in Miami, Florida on April 1st, 2012. There are eight wrestling matches on the card, and at least four of them promise to be class acts. It’s only six nights away, and it’s all I can think of.

I’ve been a wrestling fan my entire life. My earliest memory was watching wrestling. And this time of year is like Christmas to me. I am more excited for Wrestlemania than I am for any movie that has ever come out in the history of film. I like wrestling more than I like any TV show, movie or band. This is the epitome of entertainment for me. So prepare yourself for a week of gushy fanboy blog entries. It’s Wrestlemania, baby!

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