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WrestleMania 28 – Preview, Predictions, and Preferences – 1 Night Away

One night away. I don’t know if I’ll get any sleep tonight. For this final blog post, I shall preview Sunday’s card, share my thoughts on the matches, and give you my predicted as well as my preferred outcome. Let’s get right into it:


Divas Tag-Team Match – Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres

L-R: Maria Menounos, Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, Divas Champion Beth Phoenix

Trust me, I’m not being sexist when I say this is the most pointless match on the card. Poor creative decisions have made the once great Divas division nothing more than a joke these days. Why would you include the talented Divas Champion in this match rather than have her defend her title? Beats me.The only reason this match is on the card is because WWE felt they needed a last minute celebrity presence so they booked Access Hollywood’s Maria Menounos. Whoop de doo.

Predicted Winner: Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos

Preferred Winner: Couldn’t care less.

Team Teddy: Santino Marella, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, and Booker T w/Hornswoggle vs. Team Johnny: David Otunga, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntyre w/Vickie Guerrero

L-R: Background: John Laurinaitus, Theodore Long; Foreground: Team Johnny: Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, David Otunga, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz; Team Teddy: Booker T, The Great Khali, R-Truth, Santino Marella, Kofi Kingston and Zack Ryder

Bear with me because this might be confusing. Theodore Long is the General Manager for WWE’s Smackdown! brand, and John Laurinaitus is the Executive Vice-President of Talent Relations and the General Manager of WWE’s RAW brand. At WrestleMania they will each lead a team of six wrestlers that they assembled. The winning team will have its General Manager take complete control over both brands. Some of the talent in this match is very impressive, namely Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Zack Ryder and ‘The Awesome One’ The Miz. However, I’m only mildly interested in this match. Its matches like this that make me wish WWE still did their annual Money in the Bank match at WrestleMania.

Predicted Winner: Team Johnny

Preferred Winner: Team Johnny

Randy Orton vs Kane

L-R: Kane, Randy Orton

This is a bit of poor booking on WWE’s part, as it features two great talents simply being thrown into a match together. The story revolves around how Kane feels he “became human” when he shook Randy Orton’s hand last summer. It’s something he’s regretted ever since, and when he made his comeback earlier in January, he was his usual twisted, masked monster self again and he was gunning for Randy Orton. It’s a silly story and makes no sense, no matter how much Kane’s mic skills sell it. I really hope they put on a great match to make up for the poor story.

Predicted Winner: Randy Orton

Preferred Winner: Kane

Intercontinental Championship Match – Cody Rhodes (C) vs. Big Show

L-R: Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, Big Show

Cody Rhodes had a tremendously impressive year, beginning with his upset victory over Rey Mysterio last year at WrestleMania 27. He has been Intercontinental Champion for a very long time and has vowed to bring some prestige back to the IC title. Big Show is one of the WWE’s longest running competitors, and at 7 feet tall and 500 pounds, is the self-proclaimed “World’s Largest Athlete”. Earlier this year, Cody began this feud by pointing out that Big Show has had a reputation for under-performing at WrestleMania, even going so far to show clips of the infamous failures, including Big Show getting knocked out by Floyd Mayweather and his embarrassing Sumo Match with Akebono. This will be a great match to watch, and it will be interesting to see how the much smaller Rhodes deals with Big Show’s diverse talents.

Predicted Winner: Cody Rhodes

Preferred Winner: Big Show

World Heavyweight Championship Match – Daniel Bryan (C) vs. Sheamus

L-R: Sheamus, World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan

What makes this match so exciting? Just last year at WrestleMania 27, the same match was booked, with the United States title on the line. It wound up being a dark match (non-televised). And this year it’s a headliner. I’m extremely glad that these phenomenal wrestlers have come a long way I honestly would be glad with any outcome (though I would secretly be doing a dance if Bryan retained). There was a brief version of this feud that existed last year, when Bryan was a face U.S. Champion, and Sheamus was the heel challenger.  Sheamus got the better of Bryan during that brief feud. This year their roles have been reversed, and the stakes are totally larger. But Bryan’s been on a role of pulling of upset victories (mainly through shady means) and he just might do it again.

Predicted Winner: Sheamus

Preferred Winner: Daniel Bryan

WWE Championship Match – CM Punk (C) vs. Chris Jericho

L-R: WWE Champion CM Punk, Chris Jericho

Another exciting facet of this year’s WrestleMania is that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan have both come from the same humble beginnings in the independent wrestling circuit, with particularly successful stints in Ring of Honor Wrestling.  And this year, they headline WrestleMania as World Champions. It’s the dawn of a new era in wrestling, and it looks extremely promising. As for CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho, I believe it will be the show-stealer. As big as Rock/Cena  and the Hell in a Cell match are, I truly believe Punk and Jericho will put on an awesome performance that will steal the show. Their outstanding mic skills have allowed them to create a palpable tension going into this match, and their remarkable in-ring talent should provide us with a quality match.

Predicted Winner: CM Punk

Preferred Winner: CM Punk

Hell in a Cell Match – Triple H vs. The Undertaker – Special Guest Referee: Shawn Michaels

L-R: The Undertaker, Special Guest Referee Shawn Michaels, Triple H.

There is sooooo much to get excited about in this match. Its three wrestlers that I hold in my personal top 10 in the ring together at the same time. It’s the rematch to one of my favorite WrestleMania matches. It’s Undertaker’s 19-0 streak on the line once again. A word on exactly what “Hell in a Cell” Match is. It’s a match with no rules; the only way to win is by pinfall or submission. The “Cell” is a towering structure that will surround the ring, encaging the wrestlers. It stands 20 ft. tall and weighs five tons. The cage extends outside the ring as well, so wrestlers have space to move outside. And the Cell is enclosed on top, so the only means to escape is through a locked door (which has happened multiple times before). Shawn Michaels and Undertaker competed in the first ever “Cell” match. Shawn has also faced Triple H in the cell. Triple H and Undertaker combined have competed in 19 of the 24 Hell in a Cell matches since its creation. But they have never faced each other under its confines. This match is billed as “the end of an era”, and I firmly believe it will be just that. It’s entirely possible that this will be the last match for Triple H and certainly for Undertaker. The fan in me is weeping with excitement. The kid in me just peed his pants.

Predicted Winner: The Undertaker

Preferred Winner: The Undertaker

The Rock vs. John Cena

L-R: John Cena, The Rock

Certainly the main event, and certainly the last match of the night. A lot of fans have been critical of WWE’s decision to book this match a year in advance and have the feud stretched out over a year. To quote Bilbo Baggins, it felt thin “like butter scraped over too much bread”. However, I wouldn’t go so far as some fans to deny my interest in the match altogether. This is still the first match The Rock is competing in in over 7 years. And boy have I missed him. I’m excited to see him in the ring again, even if it is against a guy who isn’t worthy to lace up his boots. The outcome to this match is one that I’ve known ever since it was first booked. It happened when Hulk Hogan faced Andre the Giant, and it happened when The Rock faced Hulk Hogan. It’s called a ‘passing of the torch’.  And I’m certain that the final image of the night will be of The Rock congratulating John Cena and raising his hand in victory.

Predicted Winner: John Cena

Preferred Winner: The Rock

If you’re watching WrestleMania, I wish you happy viewing. If you aren’t, whassamattawitchya?! Expect an in-depth review the morning after. Good night world!.

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